Diabetes and the heart
- Diabetes check for heart and kidneys
- Diabetes mellitus complications: What should I know?
- What are the risk factors for complications related to diabetes?
- KardiOM Test + DN-PROteom Test: How can I have this test combination carried out?
Diabetes check for heart and kidneys
The DiaPat® test combination KardiOM Test + DN-PROteom Test enables the early detection of diabetes-related diseases of the heart and/or kidneys. Triggered by the increased blood sugar level, which damages the small and large blood vessels considerably over time.
Living healthier longer as a diabetes patient.
With the test combination, by analyzing disease-specific proteins in the urine, both chronic kidney diseases such as diabetic nephropathy and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke can be detected at an early stage. Both individual tests have been validated in clinical studies and enable therapy monitoring as well as diagnosis.
Diabetes mellitus complications: What should I know?
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. Reasons for this can be a lack of insulin (type I) or a lack of sensitivity of the body cells to insulin (type II). As a result, the body cannot completely absorb sugary foods such as bread, pasta, rice, or desserts after a meal, and the sugar they contain accumulates in the blood. This leads to increased blood sugar, which damages the small blood vessels so that diabetics suffer from a number of secondary diseases. The heart and kidneys are also affected.
Coronary heart disease is triggered by a narrowing of the coronary arteries, which surround the heart and supply the heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood and nutrients. The constriction is caused by calcification of the vessels or plaques, which is also known as arteriosclerosis. Blood fats and proteins are deposited in the wall of the blood vessels and trigger inflammation. As a result, these foci of inflammation are enclosed in a kind of scarring by calcium and connective tissue. Artery narrows and blood flow decreases. If the rupture of such a plaque causes an acute vascular occlusion, this leads to a heart attack or stroke. Diabetics are particularly at risk because the increased blood sugar on the one hand pre-damages the blood vessels and on the other hand worsens the local inflammation. In addition, diabetics often suffer from obesity, high blood pressure, and poor blood lipid levels, which further promote arteriosclerosis. Two-thirds of diabetics therefore die of cardiovascular diseases.
You can find more information about coronary heart disease here.
An average of 10-15 years after the onset of the disease, 25% - 40% of diabetics suffer from chronic kidney dysfunction, which is known as diabetic nephropathy. However, the onset of nephropathy does not cause pain and is also not indicated by symptoms. Therefore, early detection is particularly important.
The kidneys fulfill vital tasks - if left untreated, the loss of kidney function is usually fatal. The main job of the kidneys is filtering: waste products are removed from the blood and leave the body in the urine. High blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels that act as filters in the kidney.
Kidney damage is characterized by a slow loss of the kidney's filter function that progresses over months and years. This eventually leads to kidney failure and the need for renal replacement therapy: dialysis and/or kidney transplant.
More information on chronic kidney disease can be found here.
What are the risk factors for complications related to diabetes?
- Poor blood sugar control
- High blood pressure (Hypertension)
- Smoking
- Physical inactivity
- Obesity
KardiOM Test + DN-PROteom Test: How can I have this test combination carried out?
To order your test combination, simply call us on (0511) 55 47 44 0 or ask your doctor.
In any case, the test is very easy to carry out: you give a urine sample to the doctor you trust, which is then cooled and sent to us by overnight express.
We will send you or your doctor everything you need in advance with your DiaPat® test package. We also explain all the details that we ask you for so that the test delivers a reliable result for you.